We think a tungsten ring is a great ring! Lets up upfront and let you know that we do sell tungsten rings, so we might be bias, but let us tell you what tungsten rings offer and let you be the judge. We think tungsten rings are great for a number of reasons. Tungsten Rings are very strong. In fact, tungsten is one of the strongest materials on earth. What this means to you is that you will not have to worry about a tungsten ring being damaged. Since tungsten is one of the strongest materials on Earth, this also means that they will not scratch. Work on with your hands a lot? Well, if you do, you will not have to worry about damaging your ring if you hit it or bang it around, it will always look brand new! Tungsten rings are inexpensive. Tungsten rings vary greatly, but for the most part, tungsten rings are going to be much less expensive than a diamond ring and for this reason, you will not have to worry as much if you damage it or lose it. Again, we sell tungsten rings, so we do love them more than most, but we truly think tungsten rings are a good ring to purchase for yourself or even for a wedding band!

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